We also sell  developers'  properties  to buyers on the secondary market

We also sell
developers' properties
to buyers on the secondary market

TRIBUS Agency specializes in residential sales. Working in the secondary market, we have a regular flow of buyers, which helps developers sell their properties faster.
Our multiple sales channels will also bring new buyers to your project

Buyers for your project come to us from the following channels:

Showing similar properties

Showing similar properties

Our brokers market your project to buyers by showing similar properties on the secondary market.
Catalogue at our website

Catalogue at our website

In the TRIBUS website catalogue, buyers searching for properties also find offers for your project.
Emails to our buyers

Emails to our buyers

We register all buyers by recording their search criteria. If a property in your project matches the search criteria, an email is sent to the buyer.
Jaunceltnes.lv portal

Jaunceltnes.lv portal

A project of our agency, which works as a separate catalogue where you can easily browse offers from developers.
Other marketing channels

Other marketing channels

By agreement, your project can be highlighted on other marketing channels in cooperation with us: classifieds portals, Facebook, Google, YouTube.

Recommendations from an independent, certified specialist

As part of our cooperation, a sales specialist is assigned to your project. As part of our cooperation, a sales specialist is assigned to your project.
The real estate broker knows the market, other competitors' projects and has a good understanding of the secondary market. The real estate broker knows the market, other competitors' projects and has a good understanding of the secondary market.
This expert advice helps buyers to sell properties in your project more quickly and easily. This expert advice helps buyers to sell properties in your project more quickly and easily.
Recommendations from an independent, certified specialist
Pay for  sold properties

Pay for
sold properties

With TRIBUS you only pay for results - sold properties. With TRIBUS you only pay for results - sold properties.
As is customary in the industry, the remuneration to the Agency is calculated as a percentage of the realized value of the property. As is customary in the industry, the remuneration to the Agency is calculated as a percentage of the realized value of the property.