I will simplify the recording and deletion of structures in the land register
The Saeima conceptually supported in the 1st reading the amendments to the Law on Land Registers developed by the Ministry of Justice, which envisage simplifying the procedures related to the registration and deletion of buildings in the land register, ensuring the transfer of the necessary data between the State unified computerized land register and the Construction Information System. “The new procedure for transferring data is very important, because the administrative burden for building owners is reduced by one visit to the district (city) court or building authority. This will facilitate the process of submitting documents to the land registry for building owners, as private individuals will not have to add documents issued by the building authority to the request for confirmation, in the future the court will retrieve them online. The new procedure will provide it in an electronic form at the level of information systems. During this extraordinary situation, it is important to continue to develop the availability of justice system services remotely,” states Minister of Justice Jānis Bordāns. The developed amendments provide that if the owner of the building (construction) has an electronic signature, the owner will be able to submit an application for the registration of the building, including new construction, as well as the deletion of the building in the land register, by filling out a special online form on the website of the Construction Information System (www.bis.gov. en). The person’s application will be transferred to the land registry after the decision on the acceptance of the building into operation or the acceptance of the statement about the non-existence of the building together with the data and documents of the Construction Information System necessary for recording the building in the land register. At present, in order to register a building in the land register, the owner submits a request for confirmation and also attaches a deed on the acceptance of the building into operation, but in the case of deletion of the building – a document confirming the absence of the building (building), while in the case of a new building – a statement indicating the legal basis of the construction and the characteristics of the new building original or copy. Read the full article here.