Reconstruction of the real estate and its coordination in the building board.

Often, the owners tend to adapt the houses to their wishes by carrying out repairs and alterations. How much are homeowners allowed to do in repairs? Residents may carry out cosmetic repairs as they see fit. However, if the original layout of the place of residence is changed, coordination must be carried out. We will explain why reconstructions should be coordinated and how to do it correctly.

When does the conversion not have to be coordinated?

  • Remodeling works in the apartment do not need to be coordinated only in case cosmetic repairs are carried out.
  • Also, a Certificate card must be submitted to the Building Authority in cases where a simplified renovation is carried out, for example, if a re-planning is planned during the renovation, by demolishing or building a non-bearing partition, combining a toilet with a bathroom or a living room with a kitchen. If the building belongs to several owners, but the apartments have been transferred only for use, simplified renovation cannot be carried out without the consent of other apartment owners.

When does the rebuild need to be coordinated?

Coordination is necessary if, during the reconstruction (capital repair), load-bearing structures or elements are affected, which are intended to be replaced or reinforced in order to restore the structure, or if they are located in common areas. For example, if during construction, the construction of a doorway in the load-bearing wall is planned or other targeted functional and technical improvements (for example, adding a loggia to an apartment, etc.)

Where and how should the reconstruction be coordinated?

The reconstruction is coordinated with the construction board by performing the following actions:

  • Submit a building project in order to receive a building permit with design conditions.
  • submit the necessary documentation mentioned in the building permit in order to receive a mark in the building permit regarding the fulfillment of the conditions for starting construction works;
  • put the object into operation after the completion of the construction works

Each case must be evaluated individually. The resident must contact a certified architect, who, after evaluating the specific situation and planned actions, will also explain what documentation is needed and will develop it.